শনিবার, ১১ মে, ২০১৩

Plugins Collection for Cinema 4D R12 (+ Textbooks & Instruction)

Plugins Collection for Cinema 4D R12 (+ Textbooks & Instruction) | 554 MB

Plugins Collection for Cinema 4D R12 (+ Textbooks & Instruction)

Version: R12
Developer: various
Bit depth: 32bit +64 bit
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Compatible with Windows 7: complete
Language: English

Brief description of the plugin 1 :
1. AIT - Automatically adjusts the nodes on tangents - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 11 or higher
2. AlignAssistant - Aligns the child objects to PSR. The first and last group object, etc. - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
3. ArchiPlug GETerrain v1 3 - Import terranes with maps Google - v1 3 Win32
4. ArchiPlug Sketch4D v1 3 - Imports of scenes and models from SketchUp - Win32
5. Biomekk Cineview v1 22 008 - Advanced poschnik and viewer - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. Biomekk EdgeShade v1 01 020 - set of two shaders and SoftEdge DrawEdge ispolzuemych drawing frames and softening sharp corners - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. Biomekk EnhanceC4D v1 00 027 - A set of 178 2D and 3D procedural shaders - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. Biomekk Lumen v2 00 167 - Advanced tools for light sources - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Biomekk zBlur v2 00313 - Alternative Instrument for effect DOF - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Blackstar Cinapsis v1 1 0-For a quick search, and edit items in a scene, a dynamic run commands and plug-ins - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
11. Blackstar enDOFin v1 03 - negative after-affects the depth of field of the field without the module Advanced Render - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
12. Blackstar PhotometricIES v1 0 - to create real photometric light sources without any additional software visualization - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
13. Blackstar PtexShader v1 0 - Effective tekturirovaniya raster maps - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
14. Blackstar RefShader v2 1 - An advanced tool use shaders without kopipasta - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
15. C4DJack SplineSPREAD - Aligns or clone any number of objects on a spline, etc. - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
16. C4DJack SurfaceSPREAD v1 00 31 For the creation of landscape scenes, the distribution of objects on the geology, rocks and terrain generation, contains shaders and plants - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
17. Control4DPRO v1 0 - For rialtaymovoy animation with new management tools - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
18. D3D CinePoserLT 2 1 To import scenes and animations from Poser format. Obj, including materials, lights and cameras - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
19. D3D SplinesPlus v2 02 - Five more advanced tools to work with splines - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
20. D3D UVMapEdit v1 03 - Three 'supplies for interactive editing UV-scans - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
21. DNS PaintOnSurface 1 64 - For a quick and easy way to place some objects on other poverhnositi as brush - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
22. DNS WinGen v1 14 - to quickly create, organize and edit windows on architectural objects - WINONLY 32 for C4D 12

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